Am I Cycled?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
South Texas, USA
Hi everyone, today when I tested the water I got readings suggesting my tank is cycled. (or so I think)
Here's a picture

Got my first tank that I'm cycling in mid October, set it up same day I bought it and bought my Opaline Gourami about a week after I set it up.
Is my tank cycled?
EDIT: Forgot to inform that I did not deliberately choose a fish-in cycle. I made the mistake of following the setup instruction that stated "Wait 24-48 hours before adding fish". Looking forward to the cycle completing then I can ease off of the maintenance and enjoy my fishy friends.
-Thanks again. 
The tank is cycled when you have double zeros for ammonia and nitrite for a solid week (without requiring a water change)...  If your test results have been that, then yes.  If not, then no.
eaglesaquarium said:
The tank is cycled when you have double zeros for ammonia and nitrite for a solid week (without requiring a water change)...  If your test results have been that, then yes.  If not, then no.
This ^^
Keep testing every day for the next week without doing water changes and see if the readings go up. You want the ammonia and nitrite to stay at 0 at all times, but the nitrate should go up.
If you get readings for ammonia or nitrite in this week, then no you're not cycled and you need to do a water change asap.
Bear in mind, you won't have as large a colony of bacteria as you would have if you had fishless cycled, so don't go nuts buying more fish. Wait a couple of weeks for the cycle to settle and then add them in very gradually, making sure you still test the water a couple of times the first week you put them in, to check the bacteria is catching up.

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