Am I blind or is this unbelievable?

Actually, someone else thought this was weird also. I think that person ordered it or sent a request for an e-mail when it becomes available. Since it's out of stock it might just be true.
I think the difference may be that it is a CORNER aquarium, and so may not hold as much water. I think. I don't know. I'd have to see it in person. The standard one is still $40, though.
I was in PetSmart today, and this exact tank was in there ON SALE for 40$. If you can get one for 10$, GO for it! :)
This tank is supposed to be a 5 gallon tank.(4.8g) For 10 bucks buy 4 then you are paying the same price as the Hex 5 that is for sale at the same place!!!
HOLY CRAP. ::Buys about 70 of them::

Dude... these are at least 40 in most stores. They hold the full 5 gallons, have a pretty mild filter that bettas don't seem to have trouble with, and fit anywhere; I have several. BUY THEM. Hell, I might buy a few. O_O
man if they where not out of stock i would have bought 10 then sold them and with the money bought a big ass aquarium hehehehe
The best way to get a biggish tank in scotland is go to petsathome and get an all glass one, nothing in it and comes with a hood no light. I got a 3gal for £9.99, then i got gravel and an elite mini filter set me back about £20

P.s the 5gal all glass at pets at home is £12.99 aprox
See a glazer and get some glass that he cant sell they always have it, broken and ask them to cut to requirements five pieces of glass, may cost a couple of $-£ and make your own tanks as the only other ingredient is silicone another $2-£2-.... so can make them for less than $10.00, most of my 20 gallon tanks are made this way......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :p :D

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