Am I Being Mean?


Mar 7, 2011
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i have a trio of cacatouides and both females have laid eggs so far, first lot with female number 1 i left with parents and i have 9 survivors, 1st lot from female number 2 i removed and put in tank on there own. they didnt hatch and female number 2 has been lost without her babies so now i have gone for round 2 and removed female number 1 and male into breeding tank but have left female number 2 in the main tank with no male no eggs and no more cacatouides i tried to add her to the breeding tank as a trio but i cannot catch her, now i just feel mean!!
I wouldn't say you are "mean" just because you can't catch may feel a bit frustrated though. Try using 2 nets at once to catch her. Also. if you're really having a hard time catching her, you could try during your next water change. When you have 50% less water for her to swim in, plus using the 2 nets, you should be able to have some success then. Worst case, you take some of the decor out so there are less hiding places.
ive done the decor but i dont want to stress her so much chasing her round, il wait untill the first pair has spawned and then try again
use a bigger net, i used to go rambo with a smaller net but have found that patiently and slowly cornering a fish with a big net then slowly creeping the net toward them not only causes less stress on the fish but takes less time.
I have a couple lengths of wooden dowel that I use to slowly corral the fish into the net. For some reason they aren't as freaked out by the dowel, and I just position the net so I don't have to move it until the fish is in it. Works great. I also use the dowels for rerooting plants and moving sand around. Keeps my hands out of the water and doesn't stress out the fish so much,

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