Alternatives To Hairnets


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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After spending hours trying to free 2 fish who were wrapped up in hairnet, and lost one of them, does anyone have a safer way to hold down riccia?
2 Things

I've used 5lb fishing wire available at all fishing stores (would you believe!)
String from sewing machine. Wash it before, but i dont think it hurts the fish anyhow.

Put them on relitively tight. The fishing wire is quite tricky and environmentally unfriendly as it takes decades to decompose and considering you will need to re-do the riccia from time to time, you will use up a lot of string. Thus, use the string from a sewing machine ;)
i have Transparent Nylon thread, and regular nylon thread, just tie it down tight, and then on the bottom part, tie all the lines of thread together to make sure they're tight... and just tie everything together to make sure its tight, and u can get 100-300yards for like $.72 and when its damp, it is VERY EASY To tie tightly, i use hairnet and then the thread for extra insurance, and just tie everything together numerous times...
Someone has been using one of those shower puffer things (from boots). Just cut the tie and you'll get 10m of fine mesh that is ideal for holding down riccia and a fraction of the cost as well.


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