Alright, kinda in a fix


New Member
Sep 16, 2004
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Medford New Jersey
Well, you know how I told you all I had platy fry? You do know. Well, they are now big enough to finally let them outta the breeding net and into the 10 gallon tank. Now. I have a problem.

I wanted to give all my livebearers to the LFS cause I don't feel like constantly taking care of babies. But now my mother has decided she likes seeing the babies too much and won't lemme get rid of the livebeaerers. So much for changing to an all tetra tank.

Well now, I have 1 guppy, 1 platy, and 13 platy fry and 1 neon. I am SUPPOSED to get 5 more neons for my lonesome one, but I am not gonna have the room. I spent all my other money on railroad stuff and I don't have enough to buy another tank!

WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!??!??!?!?!?!?
Umm tell your mom that the fish will get lonely and stop eating and eventually die, and when the fish die their horrible diseases will be let out into the water thus infecting everything in the tank and all the fish will die.

I'm pretty sure she'll believe you.
What is the type of filter you have on your tank and how often do you do water changes? Also, how much water do you take out?

I would at least take the guppy back (no partner = no babies)
Wont your Mum at least let you take some of the babies back?? Along with the adult platty and guppy?
Here is a quote from her.

"You know what? You do this all the time, you decide you don't like a fish, so you take it back, why can't you just make up your mind?"

I replied it is for health reasons, and she doesn't believe me. She thinks I'm lieing to her. So here is what I am gonna do. Wait for the fry to grow up a lil bit more, and then see if I can bring em all back.
Does she realise that it wont just stop at 13 babies?? If the fry are of mixed genders then the breeding will continue and you'll end up with way too many for your tank.
Yes, she knows that. But she likes to see the babies popping up. Now, I have a neon tetra in there all alone who needs to schoal. And she also doesn't understand that I do not feel like running back and fourth from the store giving them more babies and more babies.
k so she likes babies...babies do not stay babies for ever...

couldn't you reach some kinda agreement, like you let your platies breed once every so often so she gets to see the babies, then give them to the lfs when they're big enough...

admittedly you'll need anotehr tank so you can separate the genders of platies but hey ;)

is she aware that if the platies are allwoed to breed nonstop your tank will become so overcrowded that ALL the fish will die?
Hi Amtrak21 :)

While you mom is in a positive mood about the fish, why not take advantage of it and get her to sign up as a member of the forum? That way she can learn a lot about the fish and come to understand why you are telling her these things.

Who knows, maybe once she has some understanding of them, it will turn out that you two can spend lots of pleasant time working together on a shared hobby. :D
or u could get a new tank out of her if she wants to see babies then u want another tank for what u want
mike5531 said:
or u could get a new tank out of her if she wants to see babies then u want another tank for what u want
Hi Amtrak21 :)

If you get your mom to join, we'll talk her into one! :lol:
Tell her that if you allow the fry to continue to breed, it will weaken them due to inbreeding.

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