Alright....could my female Angel be.....


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I'm not sure how female Angels house their eggs, but do they hold them in for a while and get kind of fat?? I ask this because, as a few of you may already know, but my 2 Angels have been hiding out on their own end of the tank.......I have always assumed one was male and one was female because of the size difference....anyhow, I believe they have been getting frisky -_- :lol: . This evening, while riding my exercise bike :*) and googling over my fish to pass the time, I noticed my female Angel is a little buldgey in her abdomen......does this mean eggs....could she be getting she just wierd!!!!


Could I be.....a..............GRANDMA!!!!
could be.

however beaware that sometimes 2 female angels can pair up and she will lay eggs but obviously they will not get fertilised :rolleyes:

lesbian fish :rofl:

its true.. i hope your lucky though and you do have a male ;)
gixer said:
could be.

however beaware that sometimes 2 female angels can pair up and she will lay eggs but obviously they will not get fertilised :rolleyes:

lesbian fish :rofl:

its true.. i hope your lucky though and you do have a male ;)
i was actually being serious.
gixer said:
gixer said:
could be.

however beaware that sometimes 2 female angels can pair up and she will lay eggs but obviously they will not get fertilised :rolleyes:

lesbian fish :rofl:

its true.. i hope your lucky though and you do have a male ;)
i was actually being serious.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No, I know you were ;)

I just wanted someone who has bred Angels to come in here and tell me eveything I wanted to know.... :lol: Ya right, we'll just have to see about that one :lol:

Thanks for the lezbo-fish tip though ;)
All right..........this is the last time I bump this thread to the top, I promise!! :nod:

Is no Angel experts gonna help me :-( :no: :/

Pleeeeease........ :nod:

Silver, I'm not an angel expert (by any stretch of the imagination), but I do have 3 of them...

I think the female angels belly might get a slight bit pudgy when she is ready to breed with her mate... but, the real way to tell is she will develop a breeding tube. It'll sort of look like a mini upside down volcano on her underside. The male will also develop a breeding tube which will be smaller and more narrow than the females.

Also, they will do a lot of cleaning off of their desired breeding location....

Hmmmmmm, I'm gonna go look!!!

Do they develop these weeks before laying eggs, days....hours!!???

Anybody know ;) ??
Hi Silver, when my Angels spawned the first i noticed was that one day they kept pecking at a filter intake tube.....later that evening I noticed their tubes below their abdomens, and the female started to lay eggs!! Unfortunatley they ate the eggs after a day but gives you an idea I suppose? -_-

I guess it varies between different fish as to when they're ready etc, but the cleaning of a site is the main starting signal i guess

good luck grandma!! :D

jump kidding......I need luck right now!!

I don't see any tube so :dunno: I'll just keep my eye outt!


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