Aloha From Hawaii!


New Member
Feb 2, 2007
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Been around tropical fish for at least 15 years. Worked at a pet store for 7 years when I was in college and afterward, collected since then. Went through TONS of different fish from large predators to small corydoras to amphibians to gourami. Now mostly interested in corydoras and breeding possibly. I hope to learn a lot from you all :good:

I have a quick question about Sterbai. Is 6 bucks for a 1 inch specimen a good deal?
mine were £18 for 3 not sure what that translates into but I'd sy yeah not a bad deal xx
Hello babybell911

C. sterbai abot 1 inch size normal sell in LFS arount 5-7 $US, and a littler larger would be 9.99-12.99. Unless mail order would be cheaper but you have to pay for shiping cost, but if you are buy more than 7 should be better deal. Again depending on shipping cost, in HAWAII may cost more.

LFS most small C. sterbai could be tank raise cory, but larger C. sterbai mail order should be wild cought.

What ever you prefer the C. sterbai and they are good looking cory. :good: :good:
Thank you 2 for the info. I will probably go back and get those Sterbai. 6 dollars US sounds good to me. Maybe they will give me a deal if I get 5! Wish me luck!

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