Almost there


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2005
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I've heard that when they are within a day of having fry, fish appear a bit slimmer because the fry are positioning themselves for birth, and this takes less space. Well. She looks slimmer, and hasn't had the fry yet, so I'm expecting them tomorow, or even tonight. Cant wait! Any last minute tips? Or name suggestions? The fry are coming from a white molly, if that helps with names. God, I just ook another look at her. She looks freaking ready to burst- although simmer than yesterday.
They get slimmer? I can honestly say, none of my Livebearers (That I ever saw) ever did...they only got slimmer once they had some of their fry. Have you checked around the tank for babies? They hide very look closely.

Maybe they do get slimmer....but it must be VERY slight, because I could never notice it. -_- Uusally mine get wider, because the fry get next to each other, and not so much on top of each other....

Last Minute Tips...
  • Keep her enviroment as stress-free as possible
  • She usually won't eat while giving birth, so don't try to feed her food will just fall to the bottom, and pollute the tank
  • Once she IS done giving birth, she'll need high protein foods to get her strength back up - Bloodworms, Daphnia, Brine Shrimp...etc.
  • If you are planning on keeping the fry, make the water quality VERY good. Fry are this means more frequent water changes. On my fry tanks, I do one every other day.
  • And remember to feed the fry good foods! Tetramin Fry Food, and Hikari First Bites are great for the first few weeks. After that, crushed flakes and other small crushed foods are good. For example, any freeze-dried, frozen, or Live food. Also, you can blanch a small piece of veggie, like cucumber, Zucchini, lettuce.....Mollies love Veggies!
Want more? :p

Best of luck with the Babies! :D
I don't know about mollies but platys sometimes 'appear' thinner because the babies have moved and tend to sit higher in the belly, they are not necessarily thinner it just appears that way when you look a them from the front. I know it sounds odd but they have a pear shape earlier on which makes them look huge, a couple of days before the fry are born they are more elliptical and they tend to look thinner!

Good luck. :thumbs:
Annastasia said:
  • Once she IS done giving birth, she'll need high protein foods to get her strenght back up - Bloodworms, Daphnia, Brine Shrimp...etc.
live, frozen, what type? :blink:
oppositearmor said:
Annastasia said:
  • Once she IS done giving birth, she'll need high protein foods to get her strength back up - Bloodworms, Daphnia, Brine Shrimp...etc.

live, frozen, what type? :blink:
Live, Frozen or Freeze-dried. Doesn't really matter, just make sure if you use frozen, it's totally de-frosted, otherwise it can block up the intestines.
Wow, thank you for the tips.

Well. It's morning now. And still no fry. :angry:

I'm only going to keep a few of te fry, anyway- my betta's gonna get some tasty snacks. So the babies are going into the breeding trap once I find them.
oppositearmor said:
and that would cause constipation, right?
Too much high protein foods can cause constipation or bloating. Not de-frosting it enough causes bloackage of the intestines. There's a difference. ;) :)
hey, aquagirl, u should put ur guppy in the breeder net, cause that way, u don't have to worry about the fry getting eaten and u don't getta keep a few.
Deep breaths...In....and out... :p

She'll have them when she's ready! Mollies can be pregnant for 2 months, so don't hold your breath!

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