Almost scored a bigger tank. Edit: GOT IT!


Professional Cat Herder
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 18, 2011
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Where the deer and the antelope play
I have been really wanting to upgrade my hillstream tank to a 50 or 75g, but can't justify spending the money right now. There was a message on the local list serve yesterday that someone had a 50 gallon, complete with stand and oversized canister filter, to give away for only $100. Alas, there was a catch: It comes with a herd of large peacock cichlids. I've never been at all interested in rift valley cichlids, so I don't want them. Rehoming fish is notoriously difficult in small towns like this, and I don't quite feel right taking someone's beloved fish and using them to fertilize the flowers. :) So, no go. But oh, so close...
I have been really wanting to upgrade my hillstream tank to a 50 or 75g, but can't justify spending the money right now. There was a message on the local list serve yesterday that someone had a 50 gallon, complete with stand and oversized canister filter, to give away for only $100. Alas, there was a catch: It comes with a herd of large peacock cichlids. I've never been at all interested in rift valley cichlids, so I don't want them. Rehoming fish is notoriously difficult in small towns like this, and I don't quite feel right taking someone's beloved fish and using them to fertilize the flowers. :) So, no go. But oh, so close...
Too bad you aren't closer, I have a 75G I need out of the way, looks new, cleaned up well....the people I got it from (picked up on the side of the road) had it set up less than a leaks (according to them)
I can't justify the spend, but spend anyway, but I am treading a fine line. Actually, I've gone the past the line this week, I am 99% sure.
Too bad you aren't closer, I have a 75G I need out of the way, looks new, cleaned up well....the people I got it from (picked up on the side of the road) had it set up less than a leaks (according to them)
Hm, I've been feeling the need for a road trip to Texas...maybe after hunting season is over. :)

I can't justify the spend, but spend anyway, but I am treading a fine line. Actually, I've gone the past the line this week, I am 99% sure.
DANGER, DANGER! Aquarium spending is a slippery slope, indeed. :lol:
Yeah, you may want to wait until the high temps here are less than 100F daily, too....🥵
Well, I heard from the lady and she said that tentatively she has someone that wants the cichlids for their current I might still get it. Stay tuned.
Well, I got it! I now have a 55 gallon (48" long x 12 deep x 21 high) in the garage, complete with a massive canister filter (rated for a 175 gallon, I think they said), a fancy LED light fixture, a fairly sturdy feeling stand, and a box of assorted doodads I probably won't use...all for the kingly price of $60. The tank needs some work--it was full of east African cichlids and the mineral deposits are impressive, plus some disturbing cracks in the plastic frame (not the glass) that will need some attention. But for the price? I'm not crying.

It will be at least a month or two before I can do anything with it, but once hunting season is over, my hillstream fish can look forward to a somewhat better designed tank with a LOT more room. And a lot of new friends, too.

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