Almost killed one of my cories...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2004
Reaction score
Milwaukee Wisconsin
:flex: ╝ Today I was doing a weekly water change, and decided to get
out 3 bloodfin tetras who had gotten moderately big and were
not playing well with my other more gentle fish. After trying for awhile, it
became apparent I wasn't going to catch/net the bloodfins without
getting all the hiding places (mostly plastic plants) out. So I pulled the
plants out one-by-one and put them on a towel laid out in front of the tank .
I managed to catch the bloodfins. I had already siphoned out about 20% of
the water, so I proceeded to get new water, condition it, and pour it in the
tank. At this point I started to put the plastic plants back in, and it had
been about 5 minutes since I yanked them out and put on towel. I was
quite shocked to pick up a plant and find one of my cory cats laying on the
towel under it, not moving. Damn! He must have gotten tangled up in the
plant somehow when I took it out. I quickly plopped him back into the tank,
he floated for a couple seconds, then sprung back to life and is still swimming
all over the place. That was a close one. Have to be more careful next time.
Sorry, little cory cat!
I'm glad that he survived. Keep an eye on him as the stress can make it a little easier for him to have other problems for a while. :)

Hi BigSteve :)

What a shock that must have been for both of you! :eek:

I'm glad to learn that the little guy will be alright though. :thumbs:

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