Almost Done


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I would just like to say thankyou to all. My tank is almost done cycling. It has been a succesful first tank so far because of all the post I've read and all the replies that I've received. Today the Amonia was at 0 and NitrTRItes were at .8 and NitrTRAtes were at 10. So thanks again.
I would like some Clown loaches or a Bristle Nose Pleco for bottom feeders. I honestly haven't figured out what other fish to get. This is my first tank so I don't know all about what combos of fish go together. I have been reading and looking around so much. I have found sooo many different fish I don't know where to begin. I guess the type of fish I would like to get next would be ones alittle bigger than the ones I have now and alittle more gracefull. I want to keep it nice and colorfull. Any ideas are much appreciated. Thanks
THe first thing to do would be to figure out which fish out of all that you have seen do you want the most. That will be your star attraction for the tank and then get fish that those ones are compatible with. Also remember when you pick out your star attraction it should be a fish that is suited to your aquarium environment. I mean the PH, and hardness of your water. Once you figure out the star attraction the rest will be fairly simple. Just pick out fish that live at the top of the tank, some that live in the middle and you already have the bottom figured out. So you are on your way to figure out your star attraction and then let us know we may be able to help you out with the rest. Have fun :)
Well I took your advice. I went to and started looking around. So far I have fallen for Electric Blue and Elephantnose Cichlid and Discus. It seems that Discus might be too hard of a fish to keep since I am a beginner but I will do further research on all of them. I will keep looking but like I said it's hard to choose. :sad:

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