almost all fish died over a month


New Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Hello, I am new to the forum. I have a 40 gallon salt and it has been set up for about a year. the salinaty is always kept at 1.023 as told by lfs. All my fish died except for a damsel. however All starfish, crabs, and snails are fine. I had the water tested and they said it was fine. since I have lost about six damsels all within an day of being introduced to the tank. I did have a boxfish die. howver LFS said the toxin wouldn't stay in the water? The one damsel is still living fine. Does anyone have any Ideas?
Could it be that the damsels killed each other? Damsels are pretty territorial! If you've only got one left and he's fine then it may be that there was one mother of a fight until only one was left standing/swimming?
No all the fish look fine. they start gasping really fast. then fall to the bottom. The fish usually look fine for about ten to 15 hours. then they start looking sick. But I know they are not fighting. Once they look sick, they die within 4-5 hours
What were the test results exactly? I'm not an expert on such matters, but if you post the test results, then hopefully someone will have an idea.


What safety measures did you take when the box fish died and was it the first fish to die?
Im not so sure that your lfs gave you the correct information regarding the toxins if it released any.
I would have done at least a 50% water change, ran carbon in the filter and put a skimmer online to remove anything left in the tank. If none of these were done then how do your lfs think the toxins will not stay?

What type of filtration are you using? Imwondering if there was not a considerable amonia spike that took the fish out early and by the time you came back the spike had gone but the fish of course wont recover. esting the water at this time would show no problems of course.
Either one of these 2 suggestions could well be the reason IMO. We need more info on hte tank etc before more detailed reasons can be found. :*)
Also, what are your husbandry methods?
Do you quarantine?
How long did you acclimate?
And how confident are you in the quality of fish from your LFS is it possible you got fish that where captured by inhumane methods. Like with cyanide. Ask your LFS if they have recently changed suppliers.
Did you do any tests yourself? For amonia, nitrite, nitrate etc. If you don't have any test kits consider purchaing some, they're useful :D

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