All Shrimp Moulting At Same Time? (A One More Than Once)


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I think this will be the last of my shrimp questions for awhile, I hope...

I know that shrimp moult/molt when they are growing, but do they do it for many other reasons? I've had my amano shrimp for over 2 years now, probably quite a bit longer, so I don't think he's growing anymore. It would make sense that they still do a "refresher" of sorts with their shells every once and awhile, but since moving him over to my new tank he has moulted at least 5-6 times in the last month and a half - and 2 of those times has been in the last couple days. I *know* that he moulted late Sunday or early Monday this week, and now it is Tuesday and there's a fresh exoskeleton. What does this mean? He seems extremely comfortable and doesn't hide afterwards, is moulting a sign of being happy (well, as happy as a shrimp can be)?

Additionally- over the last day and a half all or all but one of my little yellow shrimps have also moulted. Do they synchronize their moults, or is it triggered by something?

I've left their exoskeletons in the tank because I know that it's good for them, and they are kind of neat to see - but they're almost piling up lol.
Normal moulting is every 2-3 weeks during the growing phase and can slow down after that. If a shrimp is moulting more than that, it is a sign of either stress, over feeding or a change in the water temperature (increase). Since you just moved him, I would say he is stressed out and will probably need some time to get used to his new surroundings. I don't think shrimp synchronize moults but rather they are all feeling stressed about their new environment. Your water parameters should be checked very carefully. New tanks are very hard on shrimp. They prefer established tanks.
Normal moulting is every 2-3 weeks during the growing phase and can slow down after that. If a shrimp is moulting more than that, it is a sign of either stress, over feeding or a change in the water temperature (increase). Since you just moved him, I would say he is stressed out and will probably need some time to get used to his new surroundings. I don't think shrimp synchronize moults but rather they are all feeling stressed about their new environment. Your water parameters should be checked very carefully. New tanks are very hard on shrimp. They prefer established tanks.

Darn, I was hoping moulting was a happy thing rather than a stressed thing. I'll check my parameters again when I get home, but perhaps it was a temperature increase. I've still been doing water changes fairly often, because I think my tank is cycled now but I've been worried about a mini-cycle if I don't wean it off the water changes. I think the water I added might have been a bit too warm a couple times.


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