All Set With Fish Food!


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
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Bloomsburg pa
Went to a few pet stores today on the way to get the kids some school clothes at walmart (can't believe it's that time of the year again). Got some Nutrafin MAX--Spirula flakes in the largest container, this is for my bigger fish also put some in a baggy and made them into smaller bite size morsels for my pygmy cory's, cherry shrimp, black tetras. Also bought some Hikari Micro pellets for the smaller fish and who will eat it, Omega One Shrimp Pellets as another supplement to use along with the Hikari Algae Wafers for my bottom fish, and the last thing I bought was some Hikari First Bites to save back in case I want to raise some of my Pygmy cory's later on. I already have some Omega One Freshwater Flakes and like I stated Hikari Algae Wafers for the bottom dwellers and I have some Frozen Hikari Bloodworms in the freezer that I feed 1 to 2 times per week. I figure I'm set for a few weeks, the next thing I think I'll buy is some Hikari or Omega One frozen baby brine shrimp and/or Omega Veggie Flakes. I also give my fish thawed and pelled frozen peas and blanched cucumber every once in awhile, they also are fasting at least one day a week after there bloodworms, Monday they are going on a fast for at least 24 hours.

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