All-round disease treatment


New Member
Feb 4, 2003
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Hi all, it is easier to post a new topic than answer all the disease problems here.

Anyone with disease problems may want to take a look at this site.
Webpage I found
I bought a bottle and tried it on Golden Barbs with mild white spot. It worked great, the spots on most fish were gone the same day. 1 fish needed a second treatment.
It may be awkward for treating larger fish but I think they are working on an ointment.

I just finished reading the info on their site......

While I won't comment on it's claim for most of the problems it states it cures, I will comment on one.......

WHITE SPOT or ICH as it is more commonly called.

If one were to follow the recommended treatment process of placing the infected fish in a small container of this "stuff" even several times IT WILL NOT EFFECTIVELY TREAT THE DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ICH can only be killed once it leaves the host fish to multiply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The parasite burrows under the fishes skin where NO MEDICATION can reach it!!!!!!! Also the only effective way of speeding up the time it takes for this parasite to leave the fish to multiply is to gradually raise the tank water temperature.

Another problem is if the parasite has left the fish to multiply just prior to your performing this miracle treatment, then the parasite is still in the main tank and WILL REINFEST YOUR FISH!!!!!!

I would definatelt watch your fish for further signs of ICH!!!!

IMO this is just another snake oil miracle cure that may have many benefits, but not for ICH!!! At least not the way it states!!!

Disclaimer: The above comments are just my opinions and should not reflect the position of this board or it's administration!!!

I have just re-read the diseases this stuff claims to cure.

Fin rot, Body Fungus, Mouth Fungus (Cotton mouth), Gill flukes, Skin flukes - with multiple treatments, White spot Ich or Ichthyophthirius, Pop eye, Swim bladder disease if caused by bacterial infection, Velvet disease, Dropsy, Neon Tetra fish disease and any other bacterial, viral or fungal fish infections.

I would be interested in getting some and doing a controlled test of it.

It claims to cure neon tetra disease!!! As of my last understanding there is no known cure for this disease Neon tetra disease

I would guess that it would work on the things such as external problems, but highly doubt some of it's claims.

Also as for dropsy, at last knowledge there was also no known cure for this as well. Dropsy

I really believe if this product did all it claims to do, the cost for it would be much higher. I compare it to man finding a single cure for all cancer!!!

Again these are only my opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My fish are all looking pretty healthy so I can not test it on any of the diseases mentioned.
All I know is... I had lost 3 bala sharks, 2 cherry babrbs, a pleco and had about 6 fish showing signs of white spot. The last fish I added was the pleco (from Walmart).
My water qaul was good so nothing I could do there.
I treated all remaining fish, even if they had no signs of illness. When I checked on them later in the day, the fish that had white spot seemed to be clear. There was 1 golden barb that had a single spot by its dorsal fin so I treated it again. That last spot was gone within 1 hr of being back in the tank.

Later guys :unsure:
I have to agree with you CM. Especially after all the time I put into researching fish disease and their "cures". Save your money on this one folks. Rose
Thats a bit harsh Rose - specially from someone who appears hasnt tried it.
I was impressed with it.
Lets put it to the test. I can send my remaining solution to someone and we can try it.
Who has access to sick fish?

At least then we will know. Im reluctant to dismiss it when it saved my fish.

Any ideas?? :huh:
I understand your reluctance to buy into what is stated here, but please remember those of us who feel strongly about claims of "cure alls" have seen them come and even quicker go!!!!!!

It is a scientific fact that white spot or ICH cannot be cured while it is still on the fish. This is unrefutable, but this product claims to cure ICK in a seperate container while the parasite is still on the fish.

These diseases have been studied by some of the best minds in the business and are factual not guesses.

Medication companies spend thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on fish disease experimentation because they know the full monetary benefits of coming up with that one "cure" for that previously uncurable disease. While there are many meds on that market that can help cure several diseases, there is yet to be one that can "cure them all"!!!

One way to solve this debate is to contact the company and ask them for a copy of their studies. This should contain all the trials they went through before hitting on the right solution to cure ALL the diseases they claim it cures.

In other words ask them to put their product where their mouth is.

The one question I personally have failed to ask is this....when you treated your fish with this product for white spot, did you follow their recommendation and place the fish (either seperatly or together) in a seperate container or did you treat the whole tank??


I just don't feel this is it!!!
I have an idea......tell ostrow about this stuff. Suggest he get some and try it on his "tank from hell".

He has tried everything else. This should be an excellant study. If this product is as good as it claims it should turn his tank right around.

Can't hurt....nothing else has seemed to help!!!

Before I receive any hate mail...I am dead serious and not being sarcastic!!!!!

Seems to me CM we are thinking the same thing. I'm going to PM him and tell him to try it. Maybe insanity will return. No hate mail from me. Rose
Like I said.. I can send the rest of my batch to someone.

Just let me know guys :)
Ok I heard from Rose.

No way I'd try that stuff on my tank. Yeah, the tank from hell continues to have white spot reappear. But the fish aren't dying anymore as I use Clear Ick. I'm hoping once I see no more spots they won't come back.

Let me revise... I never put anything in my tank unless I know what the active ingredients are and in what amount. Has anyone tried emailing them to see what's in it? In any case, the company that seems to be the manufacturer, or at least the distributor, has no other pet products whatsoever, so that is even more reason to be skeptical.

Rose ... maybe insanity will return?!? Dunno, hope that isn't a reference to me B)

So, not I. Let's get Mikey!
Below see my email exchange with the company:

Thank you for your interest in UFC-5.
I'm sorry, but giving out the list of ingredients to UFC-5 would not be a
very clever business move.
A lot of time and money has been invested in perfecting the equipment and
process used to produce UFC-5.

UFC-5 is not intended to be added to your tank, if you were to add enough
UFC-5 to your tank, you would kill off your 'good' bacteria. Let me just say
that the ingredients are safe, natural and chemical free.
In fact, the only known situation we have come across where UFC-5 harmed a
fish was when a customer left UFC-5 in a glass on a kitchen counter for a
length of time without any aeration or agitation. The Oxygen levels fell so
low that the fish went in to shock and died. This would happen with regular
tank water under the same conditions, hence the storage instructions and
Oxygen warnings on our Web Site.

I hope you can understand why we, like most other manufacturers, do not
divulge proprietary ingredients.


Paul Loughlin


Thanks for the reply. I see your point in general, however, this is a medication, and if you look at virtually every aquarium fish medication
producer you will see they at least identify active ingredients.

Mardel, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Aquatronics, Aquarium Products all
identify what is in such products as Maracide, Maracyn, Quick Cure,
Ick Cure, Clear Ick, Melafix, Aquarisol, etc. All list the ingredients.

But thank you for your reply. With no knowledge of what is in the product,
I'm not willing to expose my fish to it.

Joel Ostrow
He adds in another note that:

We however, do not use any chemicals what so ever and that's what we're protecting. The same product is made by other companies for the treatment of humans. They sell there product for a minimum of $5 per 1oz. We have analyzed there product and developed our own equipment to produce UFC-5 to the exact same standards.

I wonder what it is????
I will be keeping a bottle handy :) , I have seen it remove what I am sure was white spot from my fish. They also seemed to get more color.
I will be using UFC-5 to treat the new fish I am buying tomorrow before introducing them to the main populus.
Over and out on this one.. B)


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