All of my animals love me right now

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
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Hazard Kentucky
I went to the vet and she sorta sends shots home with me for my animals because I have so many cats I cant afford to take them all when it is time for shots if u know what I mean. I noticed fleas on my kitten so I went and got some flea shampoo for cats..And started to bathe each one of them I only got 7 out of 20 cats bathed, I got eat up and scratch and bitten and everything u could imagine They done it to me...Any ways the fleas tried to outsmart me they had got into the wiskers of my cats and hide from me.I always take the flea comb and comb them out good after a bath and I ran into more fleas that I have ever seen in my life time. If they wasnt a hundred fleas in the wiskers of my cats they wasnt any. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of these unwanted pest without costing me a fortune...???? I am open to any ideals Someone please help me
when my cat had fleas we bought these droplets that you put on the back of the neck and it cleared it up straight away! cant remember how much it cost though??
WHEW!!! I thought Liza was a handful all by herself! 20 cats?? I can't even imagine.....especially bathing 20 of them...I get a whoopin' from just one! :crazy:

As for fleas. I would try the frontline as well. Liza is an indoor cat too and has never had fleas, but I have heard good things about frontline. :nod:
My cats are also strictly indoors. It is healthier for them in the long term in many different ways.

If you do treat your cats, just make sure that you also treat your rugs, furniture... An indoor flea infestation can be a very tricky thing to get rid of. My sister used a product (sold at most pet and drug store chains) called Control. Follow the directions exactly to ensure the safety of you & your pets. Pay special attention to make sure that none of this chemical enters your aquarium. This worked well for her although she had to treat her house twice (the egg cycle).

Good luck & I hope that this info helped! :)
I don't know any really cheap things for on your pets, (they are all gonna be high with so many to treat)but you can use borax on your carpets to kill fleas. I know it sounds strange but plain old borax powder you get on the detergent aisle. Vacum as usual then sprinkle it liberally on carpets and let it set for a couple of hours. Then vacum up. It's non toxic and won't harm you or your pets. Never had to use it myself but my mom has used it for years and it always worked!
Some body once told me to use regular table slat on my floors.. I think mabey now I will do that I dont think I got them in my house yet. But at this rate it wont be long. My cats are strickly indoor cats also. But I have one cat that cant make up his mind where he wants to stay, in or out and that is where my fleas come from. He runs out everytime the door is open. I bought some stuff called advantage It cost 43 dollars for four little packs of it. I hope it works.
fish keeper sharks and angels said:
I bought some stuff called advantage It cost 43 dollars for four little packs of it. I hope it works.
Hi Fish Keeper! :)

Advantage is an excellent product....we use it on all of the cats that go to our clinic that are having problems with fleas. We give dogs Revolution as it covers both heartworm and fleas among other things.

You should vacuum your floors and wash anything that your cats sleep on.

Also, unless you treat all of your cats with the Advantage you will continue to have flea matter what product you use. I am almost positive that they all have them...they just may not be infested yet.

If you do treat all of them with the product, free yourself and them of fleas, but continue to let them out during flea season(without using medication) you will get them again.
I know it is expensive but the product really works wonders as long as you do the above.

Good luck...I know that's it's a pain. :(

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