Angel Lady
Pet of the Month Leader
I went to the vet and she sorta sends shots home with me for my animals because I have so many cats I cant afford to take them all when it is time for shots if u know what I mean. I noticed fleas on my kitten so I went and got some flea shampoo for cats..And started to bathe each one of them I only got 7 out of 20 cats bathed, I got eat up and scratch and bitten and everything u could imagine They done it to me...Any ways the fleas tried to outsmart me they had got into the wiskers of my cats and hide from me.I always take the flea comb and comb them out good after a bath and I ran into more fleas that I have ever seen in my life time. If they wasnt a hundred fleas in the wiskers of my cats they wasnt any. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of these unwanted pest without costing me a fortune...
I am open to any ideals Someone please help me