All neon tetra tank?


New Member
Sep 16, 2004
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Medford New Jersey
I have a ten gallon, and I was thinking of making it an all neon tetra tank with no other fish. Will this work? And how many neons can I put in a ten?
You might be able to stick around ten in there. It won't look good, though, even with the color, IMO, if there is no activity in the bottom and if they crowd at the top (which will probably be the case).

Also, if they happen to get neon tetra disease, then you'll have to say good bye to all those neons unless you can quickly enact measurements to keep it from spreading.
Ha, if I had an all tetra tank I'd never see my fish, tetras run, er, swim in terror whenever I get near their tanks. They would be like guest fish, not for me to enjoy, but for the guests, like those stupid towels some people have....
I think you could get quite a few in.

I have a 10 with (originally 12) 10 Neons in and 4 harlequins, 4 cory's and a young gibbicep, this is too much, I know but LFS stiffed me as a newbie.

Take the Gibby out and the Harley's and I thing you could easily put 24 in on their own, so long as they are added gradually.

I think you could go with 15 but I wouldn't do any more than that. They would be awesome :)

For a little bottom activity, you could also get 3-4 pygmy cories or pandas.
pygmys are best in groups of at least six.

are you really wanting only neons? i think it would look ace with neons and pygmy cories, or neons and ottos. :) what are the dimensions of the tank?
clutterydrawer said:
pygmys are best in groups of at least six.

are you really wanting only neons? i think it would look ace with neons and pygmy cories, or neons and ottos. :) what are the dimensions of the tank?
10 gallons are the dementions of the tank.

ten gallons is the VOLUME of the tank

the DIMENSIONS are its length, height and width

and dementia is summat else entirely :lol:

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