All My Set Ups - Including One New Boy


Fish Gatherer
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Tamworth, Staffordshire
Right, it has been a while since I added any pics of all my tanks now that they are 99% complete!

Here is the girls tank - currently houses 12 girls and Zulu (in the net) as he is going back to his mommy Soph_betta on monday! It also houses a plec and 12 cherry shrimp. oh and fourteen baby guppies and one adult!! These will be rehomed when old enough

Pics of the tank -



We have Terry (mustard gas RT) and his set up -





Terry was named as he is a Mustard Gas but turned orange - so Kev called him Terry (chocolate orange)

Hunter (blue/purple VT) and his set up -



I don't have many pics of Hunter as he never seems to keep still - but he was named Hunter due to the fact when he was in my community tank he did a very good job at huting down babies and keeping the numbers down for me!

Pongo (Dalmation VT) and his BIG set up -



Pongo - he is a dalmation betta so named him after the male dalmation from 101 dalmations!

New boy, Zeus (bronze/blue/grey.....RT or SD?) and his set up (lots of pics to try and catch his numerous colours!) -







Kev said as he is bronze - name him after a God (bronzed God :blink: :lol: )

And Marble (marble CT) and his set up -




Quite self explanitary - a marble gene betta so called him Marble :D

Marble and Zeus are waiting for their Coconut caves to be done (in the kitchen just mustering the fight) and both tanks need some smaller silk plants, am still trying to source the sizes I want.

so.... show me your betta and why you named him/her that name!
This is Bronson, so named after Charles Bronson, Britains most violent prisoner. He attacks my fingernails if I wear bright nailpolish, and several times has leaped from the tank onto the sideboard, in a fit of pique and RAGE when the lid has been removed.

He's in a 12 gallon filtered ,heated ,planted tank . That Java moss has really settled down and is putting off new tiny green shoots at the tips. Should get nice and bushy ^_^ I'm getting more Hairgrass as soon as my LFS has some in too, and I have a plantlet spawned from my big echinodorus in the main tank, so that will be planted right in the middle to take up that space.


Tanks and inhabitants look great Haych!

Looks like Zeus has really settled in, he's a pretty boy isn't he :wub:

Really glad we gave him to you and didn't take him back to the shop :good:

How are the shrimp settling in?

Thanks for posting up the photos :)
anytime :D

he is gorgeous, and yes, he is also a flarer! Always flaring at his own reflection lol

Shrimp are doing well, settling in the girls tank, will divide them out later on in the week when theyre settled more
Your tanks are so pretty, and your bettas as well. What floating plant is that that you have? I really like it, and I usually hate floating plants.
Fish and tanks all look great, I love looking at pictures of other people's tanks :nod:

This is my betta Butters, named after Butters in South Park and because he's yellow :wub:


Sorry if the pictures are a bit small I had to resize them. The ornament in the background has gone now, the paint was peeling and it looked a bit crap anyway. This is his tank, which he shares with pygmy corys and kuhli loaches:

Tank shot0001.JPG

The tank has only been running with fish since October and I like to change it round a bit. The Amazon Swords are dying so they need to come out and I want to replace them with vallis or cabomba, which my loaches love. It's a work in progress, I am never happy! But I am very happy with my fish...
he is gorgeous! such an unusual colour!

is he a VT?

and love the tank!

Thanks! Yes, he's a VT. Unfortunately he started tail biting and big chunks were missing but it's starting to grow back now.

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