All In One Tanks...


New Member
Dec 4, 2006
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Cornwall UK
Have posted about this over on the main board but got pointed over here, so hopefully you guys can help :D

Basically I'm new to fish keeping full stop, not just marine. I've read lots and marine is where I want to go so am going to set up marine from the start.

I've looked at various options, and ideally would like a huge tank with sump etc., but in all reality I can't justify the cost at the moment. Starting from scratch to do it properly is gonna cost over £1000 and that's a no-no.

So, I've been researching and found the AquaMedic Chromis - a 37g all in one tank.

Reviews I've found are good, but the friendly chaps over the general marine forum thought you might be able to recommend other makes of tank.

I'm interested to know what views are on the all in one tank setup generally, and what I will need starting out. I'm making a list which seems to be growing longer by the day but want to make sure I'm not missing anything out. I won't be buying for a while yet, but the research continues and pricing up means I can get a realistic idea of costs.

I'm looking at FOWLR to start off, then some corals later on, and eventually anenome, but not for a long time as I know the tank needs to mature first.

Sorry to ramble, but any pointers much appreciated.

Personaly i would never get an all in one, over 24 gallons. This is because they tend to be priced to high. If you were to buy the tank, make a stand, buy a hood etc you would be able to get a much better and bigger set up. But with the all in ones you get 'everything'. There is still a few things to buy. (someone will give you a complete list)
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Personaly i would never get an all in one, over 24 gallons. This is because they tend to be priced to high. If you were to buy the tank, make a stand, buy a hood etc you would be able to get a much better and bigger set up. But with the all in ones you get 'everything'. There is still a few things to buy. (someone will give you a complete list)
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What I'm doing at the moment is listing what I would need for both an all in one and a tank/sump setup, to get an idea of costs. I'll post my list when it's done if that's OK, get you guys to have a look and see what you think. I need to strike a balance between not going crazy budget-wise, but also choosing something that I'm not going to outgrow really quickly.

I'm also torn between the 'get my teeth stuck in' approach, and not trying to run before I can walk.

It's a BIG hobby to start up and there is just so much to read, digest, think about and decide. Loving it though :D
Make sure you keep in mind the option to buy used for equipment. Especially things like hoods, tanks, stands, skimmers, all these items are expensive new but very cheap used. Make sure you keep your nose to the ebay ground ;)
I am a bit scared of buying second hand because of being such a newbie and not knowing what to look for - or is it pretty foolproof? I did see a full Chromis setup on ebay for £400 on buy now, brand new because they upgraded but unfortunately it's in Scotland which is a bit far from Cornwall on a buyer collection.

Top tip though, will definitely keep my eyes peeled and will perhaps mention to the local fish store what I'm after too, I guess they might know of people selling stuff.

Thanks guys, am really appreciating all the help.
Hmmm, just having a look around at second hand stuff and found all this for £350:

Tropical Marine Juwel Aquarium Rio 240 on Juwel stand, Clown fish Breeding Pair, Arabian Dottyback, Cleaner Shrimp, Sea Anemone, Rocks, v2 Protein Skimmer, Fluval 404 filter, Actinic Blue and Dayglow/Sunglow Fluorescent Lights, Electronic temperature meter. Salt, books and other accessories

Looking on the web it seems that the tank alone (with cabinet) would be about £400 new.

So second hand could most definitely be the way to go!

Agreed, sounds like a great find, I'd just try and figure out what type of lighting it is T5, T8, PC and how much LR is in there :)
Nah I can't buy yet unfortunately, but it's promising to see that there are more affordable options out there.....thanks for pointing out that second-hand is a way forward!! :good:

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