All Fish Must Go...


Fish Crazy
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
Kendal, cumbria, UK
Hi all i have decided to sell up and start wanting a peacfull tank, with plants and drift wood. i love all my fish but are getting big and need more after geos, rainbow fish, corys n tetras if anyone has any....anyways the fish for sale:

1 x 17" common pleco 15 quid
1 x 13/14" common pleco 10 pounds
2 x green severums 4/5"ish (male and female) 30 quid the pair - SOLD
2 x convict cichlid (male and female)tried breeding several times but failed due to tank mates 20 gbp SOLD
2 x black striped redtail tinfoil barbs 6" 10 each (17 the pair)
2 x 6/7" bala/ silver sharks 10 each SOLD
3 x 5/6" oscars 1 albino, 2 wild caught 10 for the albino 15 for the wild caught (35 for all 3) wild - SOLD
1 x 4" MALE green terror 9.99 - SOLD
1 x 6" pimolodus blochii 15 quid
2 x 4/5" blood parrot fish 20 the pair - SOLD
1 x 8/9" silver arowana 65 quid
3 x 6/8" synodontis eruptus 10 each (25 the trio)

All fish have rough prices and ive been as acurate as i can with sizes, viewings welcome, offers welcome, price drop on multiple buys.

Collection from kendal cumbria, or delivary within 50miles for fule paid for, or if curiour is arrange i will pack them providing money ir provided for needed packageing.

UPDATE: Delivery available for 29.99 (or 25 if poly box, bags and heat pack is supplied) 6 bags of fish per box...postage on the plecs is a no go im affraid.

Email: [email protected]

PM me or email, email will get a faster response thanks

















They are looking skinnyish as i havent fed them for 2 days, they were just fed after the pics were taken :D they are all in great health and get on great with one another :D
hey, if you still want my pictus cats i could do a deal on the 2 wild oscars, they are the only 2 id e interested in ut i could pick up, any good?
i would just come buy them but got most of my money tied up at the moment!
also got the mystus leucophasis and the wild synodontis multipunctatus left, all the rest of the fish have gone.
let me no bud, cheers,
Hey dave, you got any smaller fish as well?? I.e Corys, rainbow fish, congo tetras?? plants?? just i think the pictus will be to big, are they big enough to eat corys?? i could come have a look at some point?? anyway you could take all 3?? if not dont worry about it....Severums, parrot fish, and pos silver sharks not interested in the tinfoil barbs dave?? they are nice fish, and look good in a big shoal....(i just couldnt afford alot lol) let me know cheers
na just got rid of 7 red tailed tinfoils, big ones aswel! i only really like the wild oscars to be honest.
i have 3 little clown loach's, some little catfish (synodontis schoutedeni and a hybrid)
my gorgeous group of 8 ctenopoma ansorgei, they are small, and stay small and are absolutely stunning!
erm the pictus are known for eating small fish like neons and alike but i think im right in saying they would have a job with corydoras, corydoras are quite heavily armored in the way of spines, not much could successfully eat one.
up to you, big_eyes is coing round tomorrow to get the golden nugget plec and look at the loach's, just let me know!
i like the sevs but i got 10 rotkeils so don't need any more!


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