I have a 10 gal that has been running for a little over 3 weeks. I did a fishless cycle changed 80% of water and added 3 guppy and 3 cory, waited a week and added 4 card. tetras. These were all switched from my 20G tank. OK the fish had all been in the tank for about a week. ph 7.4 ammonia 0 nitrite 0. Female guppy had babies 6 were in net breeder. 1st the male guppy died. I went to store and got a new one. Next day the Female guppy looked really bad and the male's tail was all tattered. So I brought them to the LFS and they said the female had a really bad fungus infection, which he said was really odd for a new tank. He said she was beyond hope. I left her there and I assume he euthanized her. He said the mail looked OK but it looked like it had been in a fight which is also weird because there are only tetras and cory in the tank. LFS thought male would be ok, but he died later that night. Next day 3 of the four card tetras died and 4 of the 6 guppy fry. So now there is 1 female guppy, 1 card. tetra and 3 cory cats left in the tank. The tetra seems a little pale. The guppy and the cory seem fine. I don't know what to do. LFS has no ideas. He said not to medicate the tank since it is new. I am not planning to add any replacement fish until I can figure out what is going on. I thought by going fishless I could avoid this type of fish loss. I'm sad and confused. Any suggestions you all may have would be welcome.