All Dying


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
hey all,

am really stuck..... tank been set up for 3 years and been good. cleaned tank out yesterday and now all fish dying.

dont understand did nothing different.
You added your water conditioner as usual?
The temperature was the same when you added the water?
What are you water parameters reading as?
What is the current water temperature?
What do you mean exactly when you say you cleaned out your tank? What did you do with the tank?

How often do you do your routine water changes and how much do you change?

Any new stock in the tank?
i do routine water changes once a month where i syphon about 15% of the water and clean glass. i also clean filter sponges (in old tank water)

water added is same temp and i added some tetra water conditionerr.

the only thing i can think of is that i added some snail killer about week ago.....surely that would of had impact sooner!
What's the possibility of them being old aged?
What size is the tank in question?
What types of fish and how many are in it?
Most people do 25% - 50% water changes per week.....

If your fish have survived like this for 3 years, you've been very lucky, I think.....
Sounds like Old Tank Syndrome. Changing 15% of the water each month really doesn't do much in terms of removing built up waste in the water. The fish were already stressed from having to deal with poor water conditions, and the sudden huge change that prob. accompanied the big clean was too big of a shock for them to handle.

This is why so many of us now do weekly water changes to ensure that the water quality stays good and stable.
Do you have a PH tester or ammonia tester?
Having been set up for this long with low maintenance my first theory would be the possibilty the tanks PH had dropped below 5.5( as in OTS)
Therefore your cycling bacteria has died off
With the massive tank clean out aside from the risk of;
Osmotic shock

I would guess your tank is now uncycled and ammonia is on the rise thus risking;
Ammonia Poisoning
But then again i'm assuming the tank clean out yesterday was a large one (due to the snail treatment), which may be wrong...
Was it a 'big one'?
tank is 96 litres. very lightly stocked.......

6 tetra
3 corys
4 platties
and 2 bristlenose plecs..........

hence light water changes didnt think it needed anymore
hey all,

am really stuck..... tank been set up for 3 years and been good. cleaned tank out yesterday and now all fish dying.

dont understand did nothing different.
But the water change that you mentioned in this post, was it bigger than usual?
i have lost some neons, cory and plec!

just switched light on and there is million little snails. could this be problem?

hate em!
Snails probably came from live plants if you have any. I'd suggest reading This Article! It's about how to get rid of snails and many different methods to do so.

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