Alkaline Readings


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
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Westren Australia
I have a 10 gallon tank with now 4 tetras and 2 albino cory's, I seem to always get a alkaline reading of pH7.4 , when I get this reading I add pH down into the tank and then get a neutral reading, next day back up to pH7.4 ........any ideas why also is it safe for my tetras?
Your ph of 7.4 will be perfectly safe for your fish. The only thing thats not safe is continually trying to change the ph to 7.

Its far better to have a stable ph, in your case 7.4 than constantly changing it.

Just keep it as 7.4 and your fish will be perfectly happy. :)

Thanks Paul, I feel better now....I don't have to add so much stuff to my tank, fish will be healthier.....thanks
Nobody has said why it doesn't go down yet. U may have a pH reading higher then 7.4 but I'm not sure. pH is not alkalinity. It stands for something else. Alkalinity and gH will effect you pH. If either or both is high, your pH will remain or fluctuate towards the higher pH ranges. If the alkalinity and/or gH is low, the opposite happens.
pH of 7.4 is great for your fishes - don't modify it.

What is the KH of your water? This will answer how much buffer you have in your water and determine any danger of pH swing.

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