Alkaline ph tank


New Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Puerto Rico
Hello again!

I own an already cycled 20 g tank with tropical fishes. Although my tank ph is steady at 8, all my fishes seem to be used to it. All look healthy and active.

I am thinking on my next tank, so I need advice on fishes that like high ph.

I am still a newbie. Maybe I can get a 35 g tank.
Tap water use to be 4 dKH (72 ppm) and 8 dGH (143 ppm)
Water temp : 28-30 C
I don't want any "so difficult to care" fish.
I would like some fishes with beautiful color.

Are cichlids and brackish banned for newbies? Other choices?

Help me please!
Mollies are good beginner fish who cope well with high pH (my molly tank is pH 8.2). Guppies and platties are also fine at that pH.

You could get a small group of shelldweller cichlids (neolampralogous sp). I don't think they're particularly difficult, as long as your tank is cycled, but they are expensive.

Danios prefer slightly softer water, but provided the water's good quality, danios will cope fine at pH 8.
Danios will do fine in such water however like anna said they don't necessarily prefer it. However if you plan to add danios you will have to firstly sit them in the bag in the water for 1/2 hour then add some aqaurium water to the bag...let it sit for 1/2 and do process number 2 a few times then let them out. This will let them accustome to the water. ;)

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