Alien Anna


Fish Fanatic
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Bradford Eng.
Hi, Alien Anna,

:/ Just wondering if

1. If i wash new gravel thoroughly as if i was putting in my tank and then put a sock full in a neighbours pond, would the friendly bacteria grow on it and would i then be able to put it in my tank,
2, which will have had pump going for a week with live plants init?
3, could i also put my filter inards into said pond too?
then move the gravel and filter stuff into my tank with fish?

or shall i shut up and follow the fishless cycle and stop moaning?????????

:-( just want to get the aquarium up and running before my birthday in December

I have to go in for my tea now but husband says i can play out again later :D
love Mollie x x x
Pond filter floss would probably be OK, but the mud or gravel from a pond bottom might not be so safe - I'd be worried about harmful bacteria and parasites that might be living in it.

As for "seeding" your own gravel and floss from a pond... it should work in theory, provided you kept it well clear of the bottom and safe from contamination from bird or cat droppings.

If you try it, tell me how it goes.

It should be easy to get your tank up and running by December whatever you do.
I wouldn't do it. You never know what you will bring in - snails, algae or bug larvae... oh my!!! :alien: It is not worth the risk. If you want to "seed" the tank with established bacteria try a friend or many LFS will let you grab a handful of their gravel. Just put it in a clean stocking or media bag. Good luck.
I disagree, Moe. I don't see why a well-maintained, properly cycled pond should be any more of a risk than another tank, provided she keeps clear of the bottom.
:S oh no, conflicting answers

Decisions Decisions

But setting Tank up this weekend so that's good news :thumbs:

Will let you know how it goes

Thanks for your advice
Love Mollie x x x

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