

Oct 25, 2004
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Does algea mean the tank is cycled? I suddenly got alot of algea, and I want to make sure its sure its cycled before I add an algea eater or blenny.
some people are different, but i waited 1 full month before introducing my clean-up crew into my reef tank. i then waited another 2 weeks before i introduced my algae blenny. thats 6 weeks. probably the hardest 6 weeks of my life but i have no regrets. and aside from a lost snail here and a lost hermit there, there has been major problems yet. the bloom of algae does not necesserily mean the tank is fully cycled, but it is on it's way. i see from your other posts that you rushed along your last attempt as well as over stocked. just be patient and try not to make the same mistake twice. it's all about patience. good luck, jim.
Jim is right, just because the tank is now showing algae growth doesnt mean its cycled.

You should be testing your water every day whilst the tankis cycling so you can see the Ammonia spikes, Nitrite spikes etc. If you dont monitor these then you will never know if teh tank has cycled
I had a nitrite spike about a week ago, nitrate is alittle high.

everything else is good, and has been for awhile. I've been testing every day, as well as water changes once a week.

Im trying not to rush, I have very little patience ;)

I had the tank for about a month now, 4 almost 5 weeks. the shrimp and crab i had since then are thriving hard, the shrimp is crazy as ever and the crab is almost never hidden anymore. Seeing them live through all this made me more confident in a reef tank.

I found a home for my tang yesterday, btw. a friend took it on and hopefully it'll be happier and healthier there.

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