Algae is a plant so they require same food as typical plants which includes fertilizers such as nitrates, light and CO2. So if you have lots of fish, lots of light and not much surface disturbance, you will have lots of algae...
my nitrates are way over 120, but im gonna be going a 75% water change today to bring them down.
a few weeks ago i had the same algea problem but then i had 0 nitrates, what could have caused it then?
You could check for phosphates. They sell test kits at some LFSs. Do you add any chemical buffer to the water? Ph down? Ph up? Some of them contain phosphates.
You typically want a nitratehosphate ratio of 10:1 to avoid algae outbreaks.
Before you do any large water changes check the nitrate and phosphate levels in your tapwater. If they are high you'll just add more.
You can get Phosphate and Nitrate removal resins that you put in the filter. Unless your tanks huge then they will work quite well, just follow the instructions. Also turn the tank lights off for around two hours each day, algae hates it. You can pick plug in timers up from Argos for about £4.
nitrate in tapwater is 0, not sure about the phosphate. When i had an algea bloom before i didn't turn the light on at all for about 3 days, and kept the curtains in the room shut.