

Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2005
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cleveland, ohio
just a qiuck q here, i just started up my marine tank and i think there is some hair algea growing on it, what do you guys think the most effective way to get rid of hair algea is or what have you had the most succese with?
The type I have siphons off of my rocks and glass really easily with just a 1/4" hose. I siphon it off once a week when I do my 10% water change
its on my live rock and if im going to siphon it do i let it grow a little before i do it or can i do it when its relly small. also is there any crab or snail that eats it
With crabs or snails your mileage may vary. The only thing I've seen eat it in my tank are cerith snails and they'll only touch it if its short. I've also heard people have succes with lawnmower blennies, lettuce nudibranches, foxface fishes, and se hares. In all cases its a YMMV thing. There's no silver bullet to hair algae.
best bet with rocks (from what I have heard from others in our local club) is to pull them out and scrub them with a toothbrush.

IME turbo snails and emerald crabs had the best success cleaning it in small quantities. Also my nassarius go after it if I starve the tank a little.

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