Algea on sand


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
I've awoken this morning to find 1/2 my sand green. Arghhhhhhhh.
I have syphoned the algea off but I'm just supprised that
1) it only appeared overnight
2) it only took 8hrs

I think its time to buy more plants :lol: . Now where's my wallet?
I had the very same problem. I used to turn my light off at night - in the morning it had almost gone - when I got in from work it would be covering half the substrate.

I assume it is thread algae? In my experience the only way to get rid is to syphon off the existing algae (you will take some sand too but you can always replace that), get some thread algae eating fish such as SAE, Rosy Barbs or Mollies, but most importantly get the Nitrate levels down.
just off to lfs to get a new nitrate sponge and more plants.
Its not thread alge but some kinda "blanket" type looks like gelatin and a dark green in colour
Its blue green algae. Keep the lights off for a couple of days and physically remove any you can see. I also reduced the light levels until it went away.
I've had this problem which got worse over the last couple of days - I assume this is linked to the recent sunshine we've had.

This morning it seems that my Plec has actually got off his fat a$$ and hoovered some of it up.

I hate algae!
I've had that stuff before it was in my tank for months, I tried everything, algae tablets etc, and then one day it mysteriously disappeared all by itself :blink:
Thanks guys I brought the new nitrate sponge and hovered up the algea it hasn't appeared since. :D

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