Algea eaters


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
Some people will say my tank is fully stocked but all my readings are fine right now and the place isn't cramped.

I'm looking for something the will eat algea as my catfish doesn't do anything about it, besides in the corner where he always stays.

I'm leaning towards otos, 3 or 4. They're small and not very messy.
I could also get a bnose pleco.

My lfs won't have anything in for another week or 2 so i've got time to think about it.

my ph is 7 and the tank is 20 us gallons.

what would my best option be?
I got some pit bull plecs and they do a very good job on algae.
I agree with you on the otos -- I've had 3 of them in my 20 gallon tank and never had 1 spec of algae in it.
I would like to know which are good algea eater that will eat green hair algea from plants. My algea eater arent doing anything.
Ottos are really cool . . . stick with Ottos there a great little fish and keep your tank really clean
Yes what I have read on ths forum is that ottos need excellent water quality.
I definatley agree with the others oto's are great for what you want, and they tend to just appear from nowhere. They are a great little fish.
I will have to buy one soon as my tank is maturing. But i read somewhere that just the normal algae eaters, specially the golden one can be pests and stick onto other fish and kill them. Is this true? Any ideas what fish make nice peaceful algae eaters? In what shape and form does algae grow on the glass? I just cleaned some off and it appeared to be growing in spots :S

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