algea eaters

very confused

New Member
Oct 17, 2003
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hi - just wondering if anyone could suggest a suitable algea eater which would live in harmony with my angels / clown loach and 2 bristle nose
i think otos would, but i've never kept them. i'm sure someone else can tell you about them -_-
do you really need more algae eater? don't the bristlenoses do the job?
it also will depend on tank size and what you still have room for (though you have quite a bit on the bottom as is, esp with taht clown loach, they do get quite big and really should be kept in a group of 3 minimum, just side note there....) otos are small and peaceful though if you really need something else.....................
would a chineese algea eater be ok for awhile until fully grown -- if so how old before fully grown and becomes a problem
my two bristle noses are only 2cm big - tank size is 300 litres - could you please explain why clown loaches need min of 3 -- does having only one cause problems for it
I have a lot of algea eater in my planted tank (e.g otto, SAE, 3 strip pencil, Thailand rocket, yamoto, cherry shrimp, apple snail..etc). In fact i can say most of the algea eater can live harmony with comunity. :S But as for angel i did keep it before and i observe that they are quite aggressive as they grown bigger. :hyper: Maybe i suggest you can get bigger golden otto or SAE ae compare to other algae eater. Maybe angel wont attrack them.
Ottos need to kept in groups of at least 3 preferably 4 or more but are peaceful and do eat constantly although no where near the amount my bristlenose gets through. Bear in mind that although the bristlnose is only 2cm now they grow to about 5 inches long (about 12.5cm) and they do grow quite quickly, IMO they are still the best for a small tank.
I would recommend against the Chinese Algae Eater. Especially with the angel. CAEs do a pretty good job on algae when they're young but when they mature, they get lazy...and aggressive. They are bad about attaching themselves to broad-sided fish (like an angel) and eating the slime coat which eventually kills the unfortunate victim. IME, SAEs would be a much better choice.
I've got SAE's ottos and amano shrimp. Gotta love the shrimp they are one of the best forms of algae control out there. They are busy all day, very interesting and don't count for fish per gallon. If you don't have plants apple snails are nice.

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