Alge Pics


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2006
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i could do with help identifying this algae and ways of treating it

in the baby form.

here you can see it in the adult phase.

if you notice it seems to grow out from the glass itself and is really hard to remove
so far ive had to use a Stanly blade but its still hard then.

i would say this is some form of algea also

another problem with keeping sand


now to the next part some nice pics

molly and a guppy fry

sadly departed dwarf gourami

does anyone have any ideas why femals are fine in my tanks but the males die almost right after having one breeding experiance?

could this be fin rot? ( seems to have grown back alot since i took this picture)
I can only help with two questions,

Fish poop (use a gravel vac just above the sand and collect most of it up then shake the gravel vac softly side to side to cause turbulence to make the poop raise up,

I don't think its fin rot on your fish the tail either looks deformed or injured... (if It is hurt/damage use some Melafix if your able to get hold of it)

Hope some of the info helps..
Looks like GSA on the glass in the second picture although it look like Cladophora in the first??? and the white threads are a different type of algae altogether I suspect that is just forming in the same area.

The algae in the substrate is not algae, it is trapped detritus that is collecting. (Stolen idea from George Farmer) Run a credit card along the edge of the glass before doing water changes and it will release this. Then do your water change and remove as much as possible.

Thats an awful lot of mul you have on top of your substrate. how often do you do water changes? I only do 10% weekly now and mine never gets like that with a very high fish load!!

Also that isn't fin rot. Looks like its just a tear. Do you have some plastic plants or something sharp that the guppy may have caught his tail on? It may not rejoin with healing but I wouldn't think it will get diseased. Watch the dosing of Melafix if you have a Gourami in the same tank.

this may sound like a slight cop out but cleaning the sand in my contraption of a tank setup is extremly hard
its two tanks joined with a water bridge, the hood was made by myself and the opening to get at the tank is rather small.
i do tend to get lazy with water changes my biggest sin just because i find it so hard. im looking at swoping the two tanks out for one single 4 footer that i would proberly build myself

im planning on carpiting the whole floor soon so maybe the muck wont be such an issue? who knows

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