Alge Eater


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
Iv had this particular alge eater for about a year now. Raised the little guy from half an inch to his current length of about 3 inches. He had always been shy of people, and rarely even came out to feed unless tha lights were off. But resently i have noticed that he has been comeing out alot more. He is constantly eating alge like some kind of machine and it takes an awful lot to scare him from his meal. Thogh this would normally be a good thing, his change in attitude has me worried. Could be be sick, or is he just matureing?
if he is Chinese Algae Eater, it sounds like mine, I loved him at first, very frightened like you said when I'd come to feed my platys, neons, dannios, he'd poke just his head outta the cave to see what was going on...he was my fav fish at the time b/c he would slowly come out eat a little and run back to his cave. until one day same as yours he was freakin huge and would eat a ton and started attacking my other fish then i read on here they can grow to 10"!!!! which the LFS never told me and that once they hit 4" they become terratorial and can attack other fish...unfortunately/fortunately before I could return him, he died yesterday....if it is a CAE keep your eye on him and watch your other fish...Natsuko had same experience, but returned hers to the store since she saw a mark on one of her platys...
I got mine when i mistook him and 2 of his siblings for ottos :X but two of them died and since i raised this one, iv grown attached to him. I am aware of their 10" adult size and their long life spans. I also know that they are quite aggressive, mine trys his best to attack my guppies all teh time, but because the tank is so large and the guppies are scarse, they can userally get out of teh way and respect his space.

Neon_platy, my alge eater is just like yours, acts just as you have described. If he becomes too much of a problem i can always move him to his own tank. thanks for the information :thumbs:
guppydude, yeah i grew attached to mine too, which is why it was bittersweet to find it dead since i liked his personality and it was a cool lookin fish, but i couldn't deal with the attacks on my platys and other fish...i don't have a tank for a 10" fish right now, and next tank i get is gonna be for cories, platys, and a few other fish so if you have a place to put him in case he get's too violent then i'd say just keep an eye on him and move him the sec you feel your fish are in mortal danger or if he grows too big...Anyway, good luck!


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