

New Member
Nov 19, 2004
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I am going to try to post a piccie of it. Any ideas what i need to do to get rid of it??
Its a large, well but not overstocked, matured tank, the ph stays midrange, hardness is a little hard but not bad. Nitrates and nitrites are fine. The plants most affected are my java fern and anabias.
HELP!!! :crazy:
Welcome to the Forum miggi.

A little algae growth is to expected on slow growing plants like Anubias and Java fern. They produce lower levels of alleochemicals which normally ward off algae. I have minor growth on my Java fern but it's kept to an acceptable level by my Amano shrimps and other algae-eating fish (Otos and Siamese Algae Eaters).

Beard Algae on the other hand is a symptom of an unbalanced set-up. Try reading the Algae pinned topic at the top of this forum for a more detailed understanding.
I've had a very serious pruning session this morning :( The poor anabias plants dont have many leaves left. I hope they recover - the root systems pretty good so keep your fingers crossed. My lovely java fern had it on every single leaf so I thought it has no hope. I've had to bin it :byebye: oh well.
I've been reading up on the fish that are supposed to eat it = the SAE and American flag. Think SAE are out as they can be aggressive and I have a fab pair of bristlenoses and I dont want them disturbed too much. Flag fish look a possibility, if I can find any. Thanks for the replies.
Siamese Algae Eaters are not usually aggressive towards other fish. Red Tailed Black Sharks being an exception.This link gives you information on them and also some similar fish that you may want to avoid.

Good luck!

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