Well...Almost all healthy tanks have algea, Its part of the hobby (Not saying its the best part but...Eh! what can you do? -_- )

The only way for you to remove algea is by removing it by scarpng it off the glass and decor every other day. Or you get some Plecos and snails. They do an amazing job with algea problems. When you put chemicals in a tank to remove algea your often risking the health of the tank and fish. Some Algea remover medication will often kill fish or cause illness. Some Might even raise Ph or even crash your cycle. All of this has heppened to me...So I learned the hard way ;) In your case it worked for a while and the algea came back (it will always come back) Its a eveil little thing :shifty:

Theres one thing you can do to reduce the amount of algea in your tank, Which is not keeping the light on for the whole day...try 6 or 7 hours a day. If you keep the lights off for too long you might get brown algea :crazy:.

One Question, Is your tank near a window or across from one where to the sunlight is on the tank all day?

So to sum it up....get a pleco or a snail which will usaully take care of an algea problem and then in turn requires less for you to scrap off. Or you can Just scarp off algea with a cloth or algea remove magnet. :nod:

Hope This Helped. :D
Very sensible advice by Ahmad.

I'd like to add that since you only have a 12.5g tank, why not give either Oto's or Siamese Algae Eaters a go. They're pretty small fishes, and make light work of most types of algae. :lol:
is your light incandescent or flourescent? If it is incandescent then i would recommend replacing it with a flourescent bulb. You can get the screw in kind in most hardware stores. Also as suggested earlier in the thread reduce the lighting. If you need something to eat the algae get a few snails, they wont add too much to the bioload and will help a lot. HTH :)

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