

New Member
Jan 11, 2007
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I been growing a turquoise or a very bright greenish blue algae, anybody know if this a good thing or a bad thing? How can I grow Coraline algae?
I just really seen purple algae in most tanks, are there other kinds that I can purchase or grow? oh this algae that is growing it's on my rock only. I did
a basic water test in my tank and everything is just where it should be, my fish all appear fine. Thank you in advance. :good:

Just thinking back there is this black matter that is on the rocks as well, when the current hits it looks like wet tissue cells I guess?
Texture is important, what is the algae shaped like? If its leaves or fine branches then I'd say its a great algae. If I were you I'd try to take a picture, pictures say a thousand words.
Corralline algae needs a culture to start off. It should be on your liverock, and it starts from there. If you dont have LR with much corralline, you could ourchase some scrapings from a fellow local hobbyist. Corralline requires some form of lighting, being T8, T5 or MH, but the stronger t5 and MH will encourage the fastest growth. You also need correct levels of Calcium and Alkalinity. Have you tested for those?

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