

New Member
Oct 24, 2005
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Hi I have a 35G tank and algae is driving me nuts!!!! :angry: Ph is good 8.2, nitrare and ammonia are good, the water is not green but my live rock are full of hairy algae, the sand is also begining to look brown, the glass as well. I have tried phosban....didn't work, tried weiss organic algea remover...nether :grr: . The fish are still doing fine but the rocks look horrible. I do a 25% water change a week and reverse osmosis water (no tap water!!!!!)
:-( Help I don't know what to do anymore
What is your Phosphate reading

Are you using RO or Tap water


Scratch the 2nd question - just put my glass's on and read your post properly :*)

Check your RO water for Phos as well
If you dont have corals, turn your light off for awhile.
Or you could buy a killer swarm of Lawnmower blennies :D
What do you use on your tank as filtration? How often do you feed? Is that PH reading during the middle of the day?

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