algae taking over tank

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May 2, 2004
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i went on a trip over the weekend and had my fish being taken care of while i was away. when i came back..BAM... the whole back side of my tank is covered in algae!!! i have an albino algae eater...but he might be too small for the huge mass of algae. it is spreading FAST!!! HELLLPPP PPLLEEASSEE

i think platys eat algee sometimes. get a CAE, chinese algea eater, but only for a while, just get a few and get ride of them when the algeas gone, they get tired of algea after a while and agressive. make sure theyre youngones though.
do you think i should get a plelco(sp)?? i hear they get big...but i could sell it when it outgrows tank correct?
same w/those, but i think they would work faster though, loaches minght help, theyre expensive though
no problem, just remember if u get CAE or loaches or plecos, they will get big, and CAEs get mean, so ull have 2 get rid of them eventually.
yea but i think they wont outgrow my tank for a long time if i get like a 1.5" one, i got a 20 gallon as said in my sig
Well I fix algae with formalin (formol). 2 drops per 100 liters of water. Take carbon filter out. Repeat in 4 days if it has not cleared up.
For a tank the size yours is i would recommend otos they stay small (less than 2 inches) and they eat algae non stop. Ihad an outbreak in a 10 gal and bought 3 of these guys (they like to be in groups) and within a week the glass was completely clean. After they run out of algae, which is almost never i feed them algae wafers and other vegetables like cucumber and lettuce. HTH :)
Siamese Algae Eaters also stay small, keep eating algae and are cool. Chinese eventually stop eating algae and start sucking slime coats off other fish.
AFAIK Siamese Algae eaters get fairly large up to 5-6 inches adult size which is still fairly large for this tank. Perhaps i am mistaken but i have 2 that are over 5 inches and another one that is 4+ so they do get much larger than the otos.
SAE's will help, but yes they get up to six inches. I have an ancistrus (bristlenose) in each of my tanks, and these only get to three or four inches. With one of these in the tank I never have a spot of algae on the glass (have forgotten where my magnet scraper is!) and they don't touch the plants, perfect! One of mine is in a twenty gallon....

Just one note, they don't touch hair algae or algae on my bogwood, just clean the glass....

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