Algae Resistant Plants?

Ricky Savage

Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
St Catharines Ontario
i just had to throw out all my plants in my 45 gal tank cuz they had HUGE amounts of algae on rocks have quite a bit on there too would there be a certain species of plant that could go in there that would block out the light from the rocks and not grow algae on its my 15 gal, and 20 gal i have a bunch of wistera, for which i tried to put in my 45 gal but something in my tank eats it. i have a dual strip 36 freshwater "corallife" light on it. the light has a plastic guard on it...maybe if i were to put a plexiglass lid on the tank, would that help? any input would be greatly appreciated.

It sounds like you need some floating plants like duck weed or water lettuce. These block out much of the light from reaching the lower levels in the tank. This will however probably not address the reason for you getting algae in the first place, which is likely to be a combination of an out of balance nutrient situation and a lack of fast growing plants.

It sounds like you need some floating plants like duck weed or water lettuce. These block out much of the light from reaching the lower levels in the tank. This will however probably not address the reason for you getting algae in the first place, which is likely to be a combination of an out of balance nutrient situation and a lack of fast growing plants.


thank you for your input, the duckweed and water lettuce are readily available at my LFS, ill have to pick up some when i go tomorow...are there any other plants that you would recommend that could possibly live in the low light levels underneath the floating plants? or plants that grow too fast for the algae to compete with.
Check out the pinned list of common aquarium plants there is a list of undemanding species in post three. I'll add a link to my sig as I am always suggesting this to people :)


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