Algae - Removal by Fish!


New Member
Sep 1, 2003
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Essex, UK
I have a 25 gallon tank, and am having serious algae problems. (Mainly grass algae). Dimensions of tank are: 48"x12"x18".

Currently I have 2 Coydoras Julii, 2 Ancistrus (bristlenose pleco) and 2 flying foxes (I think these are called Siamese algae eaters elsewhere).

Should this be enough to keep my tank clear of algae, or do I need more?! If so, what would you recommend for a community tank that also has cardinal, x ray, rummy nose and glowlight tetras, with white widows?

get some molly fry =) I moved my molly fry, 6 total, from a 5 gallon to a newly cycled 10 gallon that has only 2 zebra danios. The babies are getting pretty large, for babies that is. This is the cool part. I never messed with the water or the tank during the cycle so i started ot get some algae growth on the rocks and some on the glass. I put the babies in there last night and this morning it looked like a new tank....i thought something bad had happened and the algae died, then i looked down..the babies were sitting there nipping at all of the algae was amazing. they completely cleaned my tank for me. Another cool thing is that the danios could care less that they are in there.
SAE and flying foxes are totally different fish, although they look almost identical. SAE eat almost all types of algae a great fish! Flying foxes don't eat algae - not much use unless you really like the look of them. I'd find out which type you have and if they are flying foxes I'd switch theme for SAE. They are great algae eaters. Just make sure they are true SAE I've heard a lot of places selling similar fish and calling them SAE. I'm pretty sure someone here got true SAE from a UK mail order shop called Tri mar. Don't get CAE I've read they can be really nasty. You also might want to consider a school of otto. They eat a lot of algae. There are also some types of shrimp that eat algae.
>>> 2 flying foxes (I think these are called Siamese algae eaters elsewhere).

There is a very big difference between Flying Foxes and Siamese Algae Eaters - it is a shame they look so alike.

There are very few fish that will eat hair/beard/red algae, the Siamese Algae Eater is one such. It is also more peaceful than a flying fox, which will nibble algae also, but nothing like to the same extent.

Both have a dark stripe from head through the tail. If the edge of the black stripe is smooth, and there are some darker markings in the other fins, 2 pairs of barbels, you have Flying Foxes, (Epalzeorhyncus kallopterus).

If the edge of the dark stripe is serrated, and the other fins are colourless, 1 pair of barbels, then you have Siamese Algae Eaters, (Crossocheilus siamensis). Lucky you.
Just to add the Cories won't eat algae but make a great clean up crew. No what you mean with the hair algae though, I have to go in ever couple of days and pull it all out.

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