Algae Question


Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2006
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hey, I can't seem to figure out why I have so much algae growth in the 14G cube. It has been set up for 11 days with 20lbs of LR (lighted 10hrs per day). I cleaned and did a water change 2 days ago and already the glass and LR is covered in a green algae. I was reading in another post not to use a cycle start product. When setting up my tank I was told by the guy at my LFS to use biosupport which I did. Could this be the problem? What can I do to stop the rapid algae growth?

Algae is normal for new tanks. Different algaes take over from one another in stages through the set-up of marine tanks. The use of tap water can also premote the growth in undesirable algae, thats why many aquarists now use distilled, or even better, RO/DI (Reverse Osmosis) water.

I would ditch using bio-support. You wont need it. It will do nothing for you or your tank. Youve got LR, which is all you need to cycle and establish your nano! :D

Nano Tank Maintenance

Have you tested you water parameters?
Someone else can help you with the numbers and types of Cleanup crew you need, I always forget! :p
I guess the CUC will help alot too. After lots of research I'm thinking:
5 scarlet hermits
3 nassarius
3 cerith
3 trochus
3 astrea
1 blood shrimp

is this overkill for a 14G. any thoughts?

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