George Farmer
ad aqua
I've got a Juwel Rio 125 stocked with softwater species, Blue and Gold Rams, Rummynose and Cardinal Tetras, Leopard Corys, Otos and a pair of Angels. It's also failrly well-planted (75% gravel covered). I'm using 100% RO water with remineralisers to reach desired gH and kH. My Nitrates and Phosphates are virtually 0 (can't get a reading using Nutrafin Liquid Test Kits) but I'm getting a constant build up of hair algae on my decor and Amazon Swords, I'm also getting a 'bright' green algae type layer covering patches of my gravel which builds up very quickly after repeatedely cleaning the affected areas. I've heard of blue-green algae which is actually bacterial rather than algae, could it be this and how can I combat it? I'm doing all the normal things to slow algae build-up, i.e turn off lights for a 'siesta', have fast growing plants, low aeration and algae eating fish, change 25% water weekly. Any ideas short of using an algaecide?