I have 2 10 gallons. You can see the details in my signature for each one. The second tank has developed algae that I cannot seem to get rid of, its in only a bit of natural light a day and I'm having a hard time controlling it. But I have thought of a solution and I wanted to run it by: move the 3 ablino cory from my tank to my first tank so there would be 4 mollies and 4 cory's. Would this be okay for the tank or would I be overstalking?
Secondly, buy 3 otto's and 2 more mollies to put with the neons in the second tank. The otto's and the mollies (so I've heard) will help with the algae management. Again am I exceeding my fish stalking for the other tank that is 6neons, 3otto's and 2 mollies?
One other question, can albino and peppered cory live together?
Thanks for the help, sorry it's so wordy
I have 2 10 gallons. You can see the details in my signature for each one. The second tank has developed algae that I cannot seem to get rid of, its in only a bit of natural light a day and I'm having a hard time controlling it. But I have thought of a solution and I wanted to run it by: move the 3 ablino cory from my tank to my first tank so there would be 4 mollies and 4 cory's. Would this be okay for the tank or would I be overstalking?
Secondly, buy 3 otto's and 2 more mollies to put with the neons in the second tank. The otto's and the mollies (so I've heard) will help with the algae management. Again am I exceeding my fish stalking for the other tank that is 6neons, 3otto's and 2 mollies?
One other question, can albino and peppered cory live together?
Thanks for the help, sorry it's so wordy