Algae Problems


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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I have 2 10 gallons. You can see the details in my signature for each one. The second tank has developed algae that I cannot seem to get rid of, its in only a bit of natural light a day and I'm having a hard time controlling it. But I have thought of a solution and I wanted to run it by: move the 3 ablino cory from my tank to my first tank so there would be 4 mollies and 4 cory's. Would this be okay for the tank or would I be overstalking?
Secondly, buy 3 otto's and 2 more mollies to put with the neons in the second tank. The otto's and the mollies (so I've heard) will help with the algae management. Again am I exceeding my fish stalking for the other tank that is 6neons, 3otto's and 2 mollies?

One other question, can albino and peppered cory live together?

Thanks for the help, sorry it's so wordy
How long do you keep your light on each day? Usually, shortening the light-on time is one of the easiest way to control algae.

I don't have a personal experience with mollies, but they are usually not known to be a good algae eater although they do seem to eat some once in a while, just like my platies. On the other hand, otos are algae eaters and they are low bio-load wise. But you need a small group of them to keep them happy, so personally, I'd add some otos into the second tank, without adding more mollies.

But before looking into this option, you should look at how much light you are using, plus if you are providing any additional source of nutrients (such as overfeeding).
It's brown algae from the looks of things, sticks right on the side of the glass, I do keep my light on for about 7hrs a day, but its instense light myabe i'll change the wattage???
As well can I mix the albino and peppered cory's?
_]im said:
It's brown algae from the looks of things, sticks right on the side of the glass, I do keep my light on for about 7hrs a day, but its instense light myabe i'll change the wattage???
Ok, it isn't that uncommon to see those diatoms after the tank has been setup. In fact, otos are great at eating those... ;)

But over time, those brown algae will eventually be replaced by the green ones...

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