Algae Problems

Andrew G

Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Newport, RI
My Amazon Sword plants are being overtaken by algae. Can it be removed and, if so. how?
How many gallons/litres is your tank? How many watts of lighting do you have? Do you have CO2?

Have you read the pinned articles on this forum?
20 gal and 15 gal both with 19W florescent. No Co2

PS - I've read the pinned article. Quite confusing.
I seem to have a brown algae in the 20 gal which is primarily attached to the plants and not the substrate. The 15 gal has a greenish algae on the substrate alone.
Which part of which article did you find confusing?

The articles you should have read are "Algae in the Planted Aquarium" and "Basic Guide to Lighting", the rest aren't as important just yet.

Your tank doesn't have enough light, you should aim for 2 watts per gallon at least. Have you tried planting your tank with some fast growing plants? How often do you feed your fish? What kind of lighting do you have? (flourescent, incandescent?)
Your brown algae is probably due to lack of light. Otocinclus species love to eat this type of algae.

The green algae covering the substrate may possibly be BGA (blue green algae). Is it a bright green, slimey like substance that is easy to siphon off the gravel?

The algae article is a little in-depth for some. In summary to acheive an algae free planted tank you need to have lots of healthy, growing plants. To acheive this you need the right balance of light and nutrients. I would suggest you lack the light required to grow the vast majority of plants effectively.

If you do not wish to have a heavily planted tank then you may have to resort to regular mechanical removal of algae combined with a decent algae eating crew.
I feed the fish every other day
Both 19 w are flourescent
By you calculations, I would need a 30w for the 15gal, and a 40w for the 20gal. Correct?
Can I use stronger lighting in my current light housing? I would assume so as the current bulbs generate very little heat with the new electronic ballast.

I have cory cats, but I guess they don't like algae. Also, the lfs recommended "Plant Gro" iron enriched plant fertilizer. The addition of this seemed to accelerate the algae groeth. Is this stuff worth it?
"Again your plants will tell you if they have an iron deficiency - it will usually be first seen on your fastest growing plants with the leaves turning pale or yellow."

From zig's pinned article on EI.

Potassium is more important.

Once you reach 2.5 wpg, you'll have to use CO2. What is your current light housing?
Light housing is a plastic unit (All-Glass Aquarium) product with an electronic ballast.

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