Algae Problem


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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So, I have two 5-6" common goldfish being kept in a 30 gallon tank, soon to be updated to a 55 (wanted a 75, but I can't afford it right now :angry: ) within the next week or two. The current tank is having major algae issues. Like, to the extent that the filter got clogged with algae at one point. I'm concerned, obviously, about the wellbeing of the goldfish. They seem fine and the algae does not appear to bother them, but I can't see that much of it being indicative of a healthy tank environment.
I'm wondering if this means they are getting too dirty, which gives the algae enough fertilizer to grow, or if the issue is more that my mom leaves the light on all friggen day, and the tank gets a reasonable amount of natural sunlight since it is near a large glass door. If it is the former, I can clean them more often. The only stats I have at the moment are ammonia as I ran out earlier in the week and have been too busy at college to go out and buy them. The ammonia is fine; 0ppm.
The tank is currently not cycled, because I did not know what I was doing when I purchased them. The 55 gallon will by cycled (a fishless cycle; I don't want to risk hurting my boys), so hopefully that will help. However, if it doesn't help, and the algae is actually caused by the lighting, do you have any tips for keeping it down? I can't move the tank from where it is located because its the only place in the house with enough room for a large tank. However, is there a different type of lightbulb I should buy? I've just been using what comes with the tank - no idea what it is. Casts a vaguely purple-ish glow if that helps.
Also, if they are going to be in a 55, is there any type of algae eater that would work? I don't want to over-stock; I'm finding the whole "20 gallons per goldfish" rule to be absolute tripe. I also don't want an algae eater who is going to attack or be attacked, and it would of course need to be coldwater.
Thanks in advance for any tips
"and the tank gets a reasonable amount of natural sunlight since it is near a large glass door."

Thats your problem. Clean you glass more often. I am not a fan of algae eaters in an GF tank. I have heard of a lot of problems. I just keep a mag cleaner on my glass and every couple days take 5 min. out to clean it off.
Ah, I figured that may be it. I clean the glass very frequently, but the bigger issue is that the gravel, ornaments, and filter get loaded with it. I'm worried about what that will spell out for a cycled tank, because I've been having to take the filter apart and clan out all the algae every few weeks. To the best of my knowledge, doing that to a cycled tank would kill all of the beneficial bacteria.
I wish I had somewhere else in the house to keep the tank. Unfortunately, my house is tiny for a lack of better words, and it is the only place we have any room whatsoever.
Will the algae harm the goldfish? If it is just ugly and a pain in the butt, I'll live with it, but I'm going to have to think of something if it is potentially harmful to the fish.
Can you put up a free standing screen between the tank and the door? Algae will not hurt the fish its just ugly. If the sun is hitting the tank the temp may be going up in the tank and that could be a huge problem.

You could also just put a blanket over the tank when the light hits it also.

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