Algae Problem!

Tim N

New Member
Oct 16, 2005
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Hi. I set up a 20 gallon tank a few weeks ago. This week I noticed a lot of algae growing on my plants (plastic) and gravel. The tank isnt in direct sunlight so I have no idea why its growing. I'm not sure what type of algae it is, but its very fine and hairlike, about 1 inch long.Does anyone know whats causing this and/or how to take care of it?
what are your water params.. as a lot of nitrate can cause algae blooms. :)
Nothing is high. Ammonia is barely readlable at trace levels (i added some new fish the other day). Theres no algae in the water (ie. water is still crystal clear). The problem is with algae growing on stuff. Today when the lights were out i did notice that direct sunlight hits a small (Very small) part of the tank. I thought I had the back and sides adequately masked off, but apparently I didnt. Im hoping that correcting this will take care of the algae.
Can you post all the water stats?

Do you know your Phosphate level?

High phosphates can cause a real algae problem and lots of water companies add phosphates to tap water.
How long are the lights on each day? Excess light along with overfeeding (high nitrates) can fuel algae. If you have all plastic plants, you really only need to have the lights on while you are at home to view the fish.
Nothing is high. Ammonia is barely readlable at trace levels (i added some new fish the other day).

It appears that your tank is still cycling ?..... Suggest you cut down the lighting and increase water changes. Also add filter floss to your filter.

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