Algae Probelm!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
I have a 46 gallon tank that has been established for two months now. I had to get a stronger light becasue I wanted to have live plants, but it aslo makes the algae grow faster. :crazy: If I don't do something, I'll be doomed about cleaning everything every week by removing all of the decorations and scrubbing the algae off. How do I slow the growth rate of algae so it doesn't grow so rapid? :/ Are there any live plants that reduce the amount of algae, but that require low light? I'm also planning to get some ottos for the tank to help with the problem. :fish:
Don't panic yet, Sasha! You've got a new tank, and things probably haven't settled down yet.

First, we need to know what kind of algae it is. This article has some good information, and pictures, to help identify algae.

With a fairly new tank like yours, I'm guessing your algae is either green spot algae and/or brown "diatom algae". If that's the case, the solution is probably pretty simple.
;) Thanks for the artical about algae! I think it's brown algae becuase it resembles it very closely. It looks horrible! Brown algae on a white roman temple and dots of it on the glass! :X This is weird! My 29 gallon tank doesn't have algae that grows that fast, but it does have a weaker light and a couple of ottos. Are there any solutions to get rid of this unsightly algae? -_-
I think you answered your own question.... havent had brown algea since the oto's came to live at my house......
If it's diatom "algae", which wouldn't be surprising, it'll most likely go away by itself in time -- probably in a week or three. Seems to be fairly common in new tanks.

If you want to speed it up, some people claim that otos eat it, but mine never have. Or, at least they've never eaten it off decorations.

From my experience, you might expect somthing like this:

First, the diatom "algae" shows up, and when it's almost gone, you will probably start seeing green spot algae on the tank walls and maybe some leaves of slower growing plants. After a while, the green spot will probably go away, too (or most of it). At that point, keep an eye out, because when the green spot algae goes away, there's a good chance that other types of (more problematic) algae will start popping up.
:D Thank for the advice! I'll try to clean the glass every week because I I want to be able to see the fish! :lol: I just bought 3 ottos and hopefully they'll help with the algae problem.

I have 8 Otos (Otocinclus Affinis) in my 125 litre (29 G) and they're great. My tank is virtually algae free, to the extent I only need to clean the front glass once or twice a month (even then it's not what you'd call a lot of algae!)

However, my main cause of algae was phosphates in my tap water. I tested at 7 ppm and you only need 0.15ppm to trigger algae growth. I now use Rowaphos in my external canister filter and my phosphates tests at 0-0.25ppm. It's quite expensive but 250ml I bought 6 months ago is still working.

I also use ESHa Protalon 707 algacide which is a fish and plant safe (it actually encourages plant growth). I have found this product to be excellent, it comes in two bottles, the second is used as a regular plant booster. My plants are growing very well which in itself suppresses algae and my fish are thriving, even the more sensitive Cardinals and Rummynoses seem unaffected by this product.

This recent photo of my tank was taken after no cleaning of any algae for 4 months expect the front glass which I cleaned 2 weeks ago.

Good luck with your algae problen, hope this helps a little more.


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I've been struggling with brown diatom algae for a few days now, I'm just sitting back and hoping it goes away soon (cleaning the front and side panes tho). On a positive note, my gouramis and swordtails seem to love it :p

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