Algae + Nitrates


Oct 27, 2002
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I`ve read "Helmut Debelius, Hans A. Baensch: World Atlas

And found that Algae can reduce Nitrate levels. If this is so.. should I setup an algae ( Caulerpa ) tank or have some actually in the main tank growing?
Macro algae is great for reducing nitrates in your aquarium. Thats one major reason reefers use refugia. A tank conected to your display housing (optional and infinate combinations of...) macro algaes, plants, DSB's to help filter and reduce nitrates.

You can place macro in your display. Caulerpa taxifolia is a good fast growing species, BUT it runs the risk of overtaking your corals and going "sexual" or releasing eggs/sperm into your tank in effect nukeing it. IMO its best avoided. Grape caulerpa is another good alternative. "Cheato" (I think thats its common name) is also used for effective nitrate removal but also provides food for fish by helping support micro/macro invertebrates.
Macro algae is great for reducing nitrates in your aquarium. Thats one major reason reefers use refugia. A tank conected to your display housing (optional and infinate combinations of...) macro algaes, plants, DSB's to help filter and reduce nitrates.

You can place macro in your display. Caulerpa taxifolia is a good fast growing species, BUT it runs the risk of overtaking your corals and going "sexual" or releasing eggs/sperm into your tank in effect nukeing it. IMO its best avoided. Grape caulerpa is another good alternative. "Cheato" (I think thats its common name) is also used for effective nitrate removal but also provides food for fish by helping support micro/macro invertebrates.

thankyou. i`ll have to try and get some. :thumbs:
So if i buy Chaeto i should be ok.. no toxins etc? or should it be placed in a seperate tank or can i place it in the main tank?
sorry to butt in macpegg.....

guys, if a fuge was set up and macroalgae kept in it...what would happen if eggs were dispersed by the macroalgae??

Would the water being pumped from fuge to main tank not contain and, thus transfer, eggs to the main tank anyway?

Would the water being pumped from fuge to main tank not contain and, thus transfer, eggs to the main tank anyway?

Yes, it would. :) A sump/fuge is directly linked to your display. Thats why you dont keep certain species of macro that can reproduce sexually, AKA Caulerpa taxifolia anywhere in your set-up, whether its in your display or fuge. You can keep macro in both your fuge or display. I have several macro's in my display. I have not identified one yet, but the other is turtle grass. Both grow extrmely well.
so it's a case of researching which macroalgaes are best for the job then.

any suggestions for me to make a note of (in addition to those you have already)?

cheers..and sorry again macpegg :*) (hijack is now being aborted!)

its cool, to be honest this is helping me also.. as i have no macro. and do want some. i just have no idea what, as some or most seem toxic. so fire away :thumbs:
the problem with macro algaes is that we want them to do a job in our tanks. The most prolific nitrate reducer and fastest grower is Caulerpa Taxifolia. This is a superb nitrate reducer but it comes with risks. If its allowed to grow to much then it will eventually crash and go "asexual" which means it dumps the entire contents of its stored nutrients back into the water. As you can imagine this is not good for your system. Many hobbiests hoever swear by caulerpa and refuse to use any other (it really is that good at nutrient extraction!) so they keep it u nder very tight control by pruning it regualr (couple of times per week in some cases) and leaving the sump light on 24/7 (as it usually crashes on the turn of dusk to dawn).

I however prefer a more stable algae and choose a variety of different one. The reason for this is I feel that different strains of algae will reduce at different speeds and of course target different types of nutrients so i feeli get a more rounded nutrient exprt system than a single species. My favorite algae is Chaeto as this is extremly stable and a fast grower (once established), it looks a mess and you wont want it in your display tank but it does a great job and comes a good 2nd place against the all conquering Caulerpa.

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