Algae Is Pearling


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA

I have issues with my planted tank. Constant battles with BGA and BBA. I have CO2 at ~30ppm and I dose Ferts but my plants do not seem to grow. I just added more light and changed to a glass top. I also added lots more plants. I noticed ovet the last few days that my algae on my decorative wood is pearling. Defintely pearling because there are no bubbles or filters in that part of the tank. The wood is about 2" from the top of the water. No algae lower than that is doing it. I've never read anything about algae pearling. Am I crazy?

It is a 29 gallon tank. Two sets of T5 bulbs w/ reflectors. Probably 2.5wpg. Lights on 8 hr/day Dose nitrogen, pottasium, trace, phosphorus, iron
I've had algae pearling. Mainly GSA on the glass :p Not in a position to advise what to do though i'm afraid. Adding more light doesnt seem to be the best thing to do though.
algae will pearl. What is the turnover in your tank? I wonder whether the nutrients are going where they should. Also have you got a dropchecker?
Yes, I have a drop checker. Runs light yellow to green.

As far as adding light... I've tried, more ferts, less ferts, more co2 and less co2, timed co2 and constant co2. Never tried more light. I thought it can't hurt.

In a 29 gallon tank I have two aquaclear filters, a 30 and a 50. I also have a powerhead for the co2 system. My guess is at least 10X turnover although one side of the tank gets most of the flow. I do have one more powerhead. Could try that too.

I've tried all of these over several months. Not just a day or two.
There is little reason to add more light because it just means there is less room for error. Considering your plants weren't growing to start with, they will now need even more CO2 & Nutrients to grow.
2.5WPG T5 is a lot of light. You could get away with half of that and make life easier.
What is your dosing regime?

Algae is living, therefore it must respire ;)

Thanks, Aaron
Good Point.

I use Flourish liquid ferts. Sunday - 1.5mL Nitrogen, 5mL Trace, 2mL phosphorus, 3mL pottasium
Monday - 2mL Iron, 2mL Comprehensive

Wednesday - Same as sunday
Thursday - Same as Monday

I let the co2 run constantly.

Sunday is a 7-8 gallon water change.

I have anubia, crypt, and I just added rotalla, and two species of hygro?

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