Algae Id


My names Russell.... ....and I'm a
Apr 13, 2004
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Milton Keynes - UK
Hi all...

Spotted this in a shop recently, Just wondering what the algaes are and what sort of needs they have.

Cheers all ;)


Wow lots of macros. The only two I recognize are the dark green one on the left bottom (chaetomorpha) and the leafy green one on the right-middle of the rock stack halfway up is a Culerpa genus
and the leafy green one on the right-middle of the rock stack halfway up is a Culerpa genus

Could it be a Halimeda sp? The green algae above that, at the top right, also looks to me like some species of Ulva. Deffinately cheato bottum left. No idea on the red algaes though, sorry. Id say your looking at 4 or so + T8's for algae like Cheato/less light requiring species or T5's/MH's to keep any more unusual species of macro in a display. Ive seen some tanks use Natural sunlight aswell.

Im going to try and grow some soon with new lighting on the way, so hopefully ill have more experience to help out soon on macro. :D Its a fav.
Correction, yeah Mr Miagi is prolly right, that green one is prolly haimeda.

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